Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes

Why We Get Fat

by Gary Taubes

An eye-opening, myth-shattering examination of what makes us fat, from acclaimed science writer Gary Taubes.

In his New York Times best seller, Good Calories, Bad Calories, Taubes argued that our diet’s overemphasis on certain kinds of carbohydrates—not fats and not simply excess calories—has led directly to the obesity epidemic we face today. The result of thorough research, keen insight, and unassailable common sense, Good Calories, Bad Calories immediately stirred controversy and acclaim among academics, journalists, and writers alike. Michael Pollan heralded it as “a vitally important book, destined to change the way we think about food.”

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Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

Let's start with, I get his thesis, too much carbohydrates in our diet, and we need to move to a more protein based diet. To a large extent I agree. However the quantity of fat he espouses in a diet isn't compatable with my body. And this is why I'm not scoring this book higher. He's talking about a kind of diet that's a one-size-fits all type and that doesn't ring true with me. While on average this will work for many people, it won't work for everybody and this is something I find lacking in a lot of diet books.

As a gluten-intolerant person, who has to be careful that they get enough of certain vitamins in their diet, this diet is close to what would suit me, and I'm certainly going to be less guilty about changing the balance of protein to carbohydrate in favour of protein in my diet, however I like some carbs and find that they keep my system happy.

He basically lops the fat off the top of the food pyramid and inverts it, saying that carbs should be at a minimum and mostly from green vegetables, fruit should be minimised due to sugar, refined sugar should be pretty much eliminated, fat should be embraced and protein should be the bulk of your food.

Worth reading for the science behind it. Not for everyone.

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  • 12 October, 2012: Finished reading
  • 12 October, 2012: Reviewed