Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell


by Rainbow Rowell

A love story about opening your heart, by Rainbow Rowell, the New York Times bestselling author of Eleanor & Park.

Cath and Wren are identical twins, and until recently they did absolutely everything together. Now they're off to university and Wren's decided she doesn't want to be one half of a pair any more – she wants to dance, meet boys, go to parties and let loose. It's not so easy for Cath. She's horribly shy and has always buried herself in the fan fiction she writes, where she always knows exactly what to say and can write a romance far more intense than anything she's experienced in real life.

Without Wren, Cath is completely on her own and totally outside her comfort zone. She's got a surly room-mate with a charming, always-around boyfriend, a fiction-writing professor who thinks fan fiction is the end of the civilized world, a handsome classmate who only wants to talk about words . . . And she can't stop worrying about her dad, who's loving and fragile and has never really been alone.

Now Cath has to decide whether she's ready to open her heart to new people and new experiences, and she's realizing that there's more to learn about love than she ever thought possible . . .

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell comes with special bonus material; the first chapter from Rainbow's irresistible novel Carry On.

Reviewed by Nessa Luna on

4 of 5 stars

Read this review, and many more on my blog October Tune!

This book made me want to write (fanfiction) again. Which is good, because I haven’t been wanting to write ever since I finished NaNoWriMo last November.

I just loved this story. It’s about Cath and Wren, who are huge fans of Simon Snow, which is basically the Harry Potter of their world. They’ve read all the books (that are out), watched all the movies (that are out), have a lot of posters, t-shirts, merchandise; and they write fanfiction.

That is basically what this book is about. About Cath writing fanfiction for Simon Snow. Oh, and about going to college and learning how to cope with that. She gets a roommate, Reagan, and meets her friend Levi who just made me smile every time I read about him. I just liked the way he was written, and though I thought he was an ass for a part of the book, I still smiled every time I read his name.

In this book, Cath and Wren have a dad, but no mum (well, of course they have one, but she’s not there), and I kind of liked that. You usually read books about the mum raising the kids all by herself, and I don’t remember ever reading a book where it’s the other way around. So yeah, I kind of liked that. I felt bad for Art as well, because he had two teenage daughters to look after, and I know that that can be really hard.

There is a bit of romance in this book, of course, and not just between Simon and Baz. I can say that I rooted for those two, and I actually ship it now. Yeah, they’re adorable. I was afraid that there might be a love triangle going on for a bit, but luckily that whole thing never happened, pfew!

Like I said before, I liked all the small Simon Snow/fanfiction writings that were between the chapters, and I really enjoyed reading it. I loved reading Cath’s short fic that she read to Levi and it has really made me want to read more. The copy I had had some bonus content at the back, and that made me really happy! It wasn’t much, but it was awesome!

There were some tiny things that bothered me personally, mainly the fact that Simon Snow and Baz felt like the Harry and Draco of Fangirl’s world, and I just don’t ‘ship’ those two at all. Also the fact that though there is Simon Snow, there was also still Harry Potter in their world, and I just felt like SS was their version of HP. But that’s just me. I liked the small fandom references (like Cath comparing her mum coming over to the part where the Hobbits hid from the Nazgûl in Fellowship of the Ring), and the mention of Odin (Norse Mythology fangirl here). Yeah this was a good book!

I really like Rainbow Rowell’s writing, I liked it when reading Eleanor & Park and this book made me want to read more of her books. I think I’m going to get Attachments soon, because I really liked the summary of that book when I first heard about it.

Even if you don’t like romance books (like me), I definitely recommend Fangirl, because it’s just awesome!

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  • 9 March, 2014: Finished reading
  • 9 March, 2014: Reviewed