Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

In Her Words was one twisted read. From start to finish, the story took me on a twisted journey where I encountered several twists and turns. By the end, it had me scratching my head wondering what did I just read.

This story showed the dangers of addiction. Addiction comes in many forms and will cause your life to spiral out of control, as Sophia Knight will discover. It destroyed her life, both personal and professional and caused her to question her sanity. She allowed alcohol to be her crutch. If that was not enough, she opened up herself to infidelity with a hot musician half her age. SMH.

On the surface Sophia appears to have it all, a great job and a handsome and successful husband, but she is on a path of destruction. Her actions disgusted her husband, but Sophia continued on her downward spiral. On her last drinking binge, she woke up with no memory of what transpired and multiple bruises. She sets out to get answers to determine what transpired that night; however, this only compounded her problem, as she found herself playing a twisted game of cat and mouse, where she may just be the mouse.

I started out disliking Sophia, because I thought her selfish, but then as the author began to peel away her layers, I saw a woman troubled, hurting and insecure. The author managed to evoke feelings of sympathy for this flawed character, although there were moments when her irrational behaviour made me want to shake some sense in to her.

I am not a proponent of cheating and so I did not condone Sophia’s actions. However, based on the direction the author took the story it was a necessary evil.

While reading I had several questions to which I received the answers for as the story progressed. However, I still had questions at the end. I would love more information regarding the motives of the antagonist. Was Sophia being deliberately targeted or did her alcoholism made her a convenient mark?

In Her Words is a quick and easy read. It had me turning the pages, as I had to know the story would unfold. The story flowed seamlessly, and I enjoyed the format in which the author narrated the story. Done solely from Sophia’s POV in diary format. It showed her vulnerability, loneliness and desperation.
It is best to approach this story with an open mind to fully appreciate its message.


In Her Words is a riveting psychological thriller. I found the delivery fresh, engaging and suspenseful.

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  • Started reading
  • 29 May, 2019: Finished reading
  • 29 May, 2019: Reviewed