Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

3 of 5 stars

I received a complimentary copy of this book to provide an honest review. I was intrigued when I read the blurb but I was a bit disappointed as it did not quite live up to my expectations. I am not a fan of stories written in the first person so it was quite a bit of a turn off for me at first. It also did not sit well with me that any well thinking parents would leave their sixteen year old daughter alone for so long without any adult supervision and also allow her to quit school at that age.
The story line was interesting enough to keep me reading in spite of my lack of interest in reading stories written in the first person. The story emphasized that good will always triumph over evil no matter how long it takes.
The characters could have been better developed. The author should have provided some background information about the characters so that readers could have better understanding of who they really are.
The story was fast paced. It began in the middle of a scene which was bit confusing at first but it all came together in the end. There were a few nail biting moments. The ending did not leave the reader guessing. Overall this was a good story which would be suitable for mature teenagers and young adults.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 February, 2013: Finished reading
  • 9 February, 2013: Reviewed