Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

IMAGINARY LINES had elements I love in a book: the childhood crush, an adult romance and sports. I cracked open my e-reader with enthusiasm to delve into the story of Tamar and Abraham.

Tamar and Abraham have known each other since Tamar was twelve and since twelve, Tamar always had a crush on Abe. But her hopes for anything with Abe were crushed when he rejected her during a visit to UCLA. Now graduated from college and off to her first job as a sports journalist, Tamar finds herself in New York, the same city where Abe is a pro football star, and trying to figure out how she can avoid him. Unfortunately, she can't, especially when she's been assigned to cover his team.

Tamar has a to do list and #9 on that list was to forget about Abe, but practically the minute she gets into town, he's there. Despite her profession of love four years earlier and his rejection of it, Abe is the one that reaches out to Tamar. I could understand why she would want to forget the boy who broke her heart, but I also felt she gave into him way to easily. I know there families have history, but she was so devastated by his rejection that she hadn't seen him in four years, so I wasn't sure why she so easily gave into seeing him when he first made contact. Sure he made a great argument about why they should start dating, but she didn't fight him much and I wanted her to.

Abe was a great guy, don't get me wrong, but it was almost as if everything has to work on his timetable. When Tamar had professed her love for him in college, it was the wrong time, too soon, or whatever excuse. Then, when they reconnect in New York, he decided now was the time for dating, regardless of how emphatically Tamar tried to tell him she wanted a relationship and didn't think that was with him. Kudos to him for pressing the issue because he realized he had feelings for Tamar, but I just didn't like how he pressed the issue.

I loved the part of the story regarding player safety. This was something I'd never come across in a sports romance and I liked it.

Overall, a decent read. I think I wanted more from the romance between Abe and Tamar, I'm just not sure what I would add to make it better. But the storyline was well paced and the relationship between the two, in addition to the player safety storyline, were enough to keep me going.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 March, 2014: Finished reading
  • 15 March, 2014: Reviewed