#1 Lone wolf by Kathryn Lasky

#1 Lone wolf (Wolves of the Beyond, #1)

by Kathryn Lasky

A wolf mother has given birth, but the warm bundle snuffling next to her brings only anguish. The pup, otherwise healthy, has a twisted leg, and the mother knows what the harsh code of the pack demands. Her pup will be taken from her and abandoned on a desolate hill. The pack cannot have weakness-the wolf mother knows that her pup is condemned to die. But alone in the wilderness, the pup, Faolan, does not perish. This his story - a story of survival, of courage, and of love triumphant. This is Faolan's story, the wolf pup who rose up to change forevever the Wolves of the Beyond.

Reviewed by HekArtemis on

5 of 5 stars

Darker than I thought it would be for a kids book, but then the adaptation of the owls of gahoole is pretty dark so I should've expected it. It's quite compelling, despite having very limited dialogue. It is a very interesting world with a fascinating history and... Mythology? Spiritual system?

I am very curious to see how it continues, so I expect I will continue the series at a later date.

I can certainly understand my daughters love of this series.

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  • Started reading
  • 2 June, 2020: Finished reading
  • 2 June, 2020: Reviewed