Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

5 of 5 stars

Coffee Dates with Roadside Assistance

  • First Date:Foley Sanders is in charge of Webster’s Garage while the boss is away, and when a tall redheaded firecracker comes in and gives him the what for about the shops cars you just know we are going to have some fun. Cynthia Nicolas is single, successful,and confident. That is until she is around her mother. Then she feels like an overweight eleven year old who can do no right. She has some self-esteem issues and after a bitter breakup, she has sworn off men. Enter Foley, tall, dark, tattooed, and muscled the man towers over her. He unnerves her.  She shoots him down for a date, but Foley cannot stop thinking about her and tries another angle….

  • Second date: Foley is clever, that is until he puts his foot in his mouth. I loved the banter between these two and the chemistry despite her denial is off the charts. When these two tango sparks fly. Harte delivered deliciously naughty heat and wrapped it in tenderness. I loved how she addressed the problem of "body shaming"  a form of abuse that happens more often than folks realize. This struck a chord with me, as I know several people who equate happiness by your current dress size. Seeing what Cynthia deals with ripped my heart out. This book has such a strong message and sheds wonderful light on this issue. Secondary characters from family members to the guys at the shop added teasing, advise and some meddling.

  • Third date: All of the Feels!! Things get bumpy when friends interfere and fears get in the way. Despite the passion and growing feelings, the couple experiences some setbacks. Harte nailed the issues, and Foley may not be polished, but he gets Cynthia.  Foley is what I would call sensitive. He is acutely aware and sees the whole picture. How he handled things made me melt. Yeah, I swooned for the big lug. New book boyfriend! Secondary stories, updates from characters, and gathering with friends and family added depth. Add in humorous situations and heartwarming talks that will leave you feeling warm and fuzzy. At times Harte had me wiping a tear and reaching for truffles. I could not set this story down and hugged my kindle when the story ended.

Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted on Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 15 July, 2016: Finished reading
  • 15 July, 2016: Reviewed