The Girl Who's Never Had A Valentine by Elizabeth Player

The Girl Who's Never Had A Valentine

by Elizabeth Player

All Beth’s ever had on Valentine’s Day is unwanted junk mail and unpaid bills! But this year, when the post lands on her doormat, one item in particular catches her eye…

Could this be Beth first ever genuine Valentine’s Day card?! The handwritten card might be a cheesy cliché….but who cares! The big question is - who is it from?
Unfortunately, the only possibilities racing through her head are people she sincerely hopes didn’t send it, including all of her definitely-not-Mr-Perfect exes. (Oh, or the guy in Accounts with the comb-over!)
Sadly, Beth’s pretty sure it’s not from Luke – her dishy new neighbour with the super-glamorous model girlfriend, and dreamy eyes that have never once noticed her… Or have they?

For a girl who’s never received so much as a Valentine’s e-mail before, this February 14th Beth finds herself with a secret admirer…who could just turn out to be The One!

Reviewed by Leah on

2 of 5 stars

The Girl Who’s Never Had A Valentine is a short and sweet Valentine’s novella, about the first time Beth ever receives a valentine’s card! I have to sympathise; my one and only Valentine’s card came when I was in Year 4 from a classmate. I remember it well, we all made them and instead of saying “I Love You”, instead there was an eye for the I, a heart for the love and a female sheep for the you (ewe/you, get it?). I’m ashamed to say it went in the bin, I was 8 and I didn’t know what the heck to do with it!

Thankfully, Beth doesn’t share my scaredy-catness and places hers in pride of place on her mantelpiece. A far better idea than the bin, let’s be honest. The Girl Who’s Never Had A Valentine is short, sweet, a teensy bit clunky, but if you want something to fill a short break, this will do nicely, and I would definitely be interested in reading something a little bit longer from Elizabeth Player as I like her writing style.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 February, 2014: Finished reading
  • 16 February, 2014: Reviewed