Hard Evidence by Pamela Clare

Hard Evidence (I-Team, #2)

by Pamela Clare

After the murder of a teenage girl, a mysterious man in a black leather jacket was seen lurking near the crime scene. Investigative reporter Tessa Novak has him in her sights as the culprit...

That man was Julian Darcangelo, an undercover FBI agent working with the Denver police. He's closing in on the trail of a human trafficker and killer. Tessa's accusations could blow his cover, and he wants her off the investigation.

But just as Tessa has made Julian a target of interest, she is now a target of the killer. And as they are forced to trust each other, their physical attraction escalates as intensely as the threat from a ruthless murderer who wants to see both of them dead...

Reviewed by funstm on

3 of 5 stars

Fast paced, action packed novel heavy on the romance. Tessa annoyed me. She supposedly grew up poor and hardened on the streets but she was so naive it was ridiculous. She continuously put herself into highly dangerous situations with no regard for her own safety. And yes I get that as an investigative reporter it's part of her job to some degree - but she was just stupid. She has no self defense skills and although she carries a gun - has never bothered to learn to shoot it (which seriously?). Furthermore considering she writes the crime beat she has no concept of crime or the consequences of her actions and she wonders why the Chief and Julian get angry at her? She writes articles specifically targeting gangs and then walks straight into gun territory and seems surprised that they try to kill her. For all she was called smart a lot - she really didn't seem it. Julian had the whole bad boy with a heart of gold thing going on. He was more or less okay. The romance itself was pretty weak. The plot was enjoyable enough although too drawn out - Tessa took a really long time to get to the point of human trafficking. Too long to be considered realistic when we're talking about an investigative reporter who writes specifically about crime. 2.5 stars. Rounded up to 3 stars because it was just what I felt in the mood to read.

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  • 3 December, 2018: Reviewed