Reviewed by bookishzelda on
I liked Jules. She’s headstrong and wants to support her father. She is a hard worker but she also is fueled by her anger and hate. As we find out there is more mystery surrounding Jules than she even realized. The layers start getting peeled away. She finds that things are not always as they seem. She is not always who she thought she was. I really liked her and the way she changes and grows. Finding out that going on a revenge rampage is not always the way.
Right away I was not fond of Roan. His playboy attitude shines through and his activities are even more obvious. Even if not obvious enough to Jules. You are like, yep I know what’s going on there. It’s unfortunate.
Then there is Roan’s betrothed. Who is not someone you hate, you actually feel sorry for her in a way.
Despite Liam being Jules enemy, there are things you notice about him. Things that don’t exactly fit correctly with Jules perceptions. I found myself liking him more than Roan because he seemed a lot more aware of things that were happening. Plus you could just tell there was more to his story.
The political system is interesting. For some reason in the beginning I don’t think I ever fully grasped why the currency was created but as things are revealed in the book. I think it became clearer to me. So your time is used as currency. What happens is they suck it out of you through your blood and it turns into coins. Then people can melt that down and drink it, to gain years themselves. When you think about money we use, it’s circulated currency. The dollar I have today might be the dollar you hold tomorrow. With time currency, somebody is eventually going to ingest it and the only way to get more is to go to the bank, which just happens to be your own body. Now this seems like a crazy idea and why on Earth would people do this. Of course like all things, this starts with a story of a sorceress and alchemist. That includes betrayal and magic. Now again the story was something that I had to shake my head a few times to understand. I’m not sure why I wasn’t grasping things easily. I did really like how intricate it was and again as the book progresses, so many more pieces start to fit together. You start off with the framework and eventually build the house.
Overall I really enjoyed Everless. I had my suspicions about certain things that turned out to be accurate but there were still some things that I couldn’t figure out how to fit all together until they were revealed. It’s definitely a good story and now that we are past some of the confusing parts. I can’t wait to see what book two will hold.
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- Started reading
- 6 December, 2017: Finished reading
- 6 December, 2017: Reviewed