The Twelve Clues of Christmas by Rhys Bowen

The Twelve Clues of Christmas (Royal Spyness Mystery, #6)

by Rhys Bowen

In the sixth mystery in the New York Times bestselling Royal Spyness series, Lady Georgiana Rannoch cannot wait to ring in the New Year—before a Christmas killer wrings another neck…
Scotland, 1933. While her true love, Darcy O’Mara, is spending his feliz navidad tramping around South America and her mother is holed up in a tiny village called Tiddleton-under-Lovey with droll playwright Noel Coward, Georgie is quite literally stuck at Castle Rannoch thanks to a snowstorm.
It seems like a Christmas miracle when she manages to land a position as hostess to a posh holiday party in Tiddleton. The village should be like something out of A Christmas Carol, but as soon as she arrives things take a deadly turn when a neighborhood nuisance falls out of a tree. On her second day, another so-called accident results in a death—and there’s yet another on her third, making Georgie wonder if there's something wicked happening in this winter wonderland... 

Includes an English Christmas companion, full of holiday recipes, games, and more!

Reviewed by Liz (Bent Bookworm) on

4 of 5 stars

~*Check out all my reviews over on The Bent Bookworm!*~

The Twelve Clues of Christmas completely rekindled my interest in this series! I was starting to debate whether or not I wanted to continue with this series after Naughty in Nice, which was lighthearted and fun but not much mystery or substance and nothing really progressed in the main plot. I’m so glad I kept reading! Book 6 was soooo much better. There was a real mystery in this one, and things kept happening at such a pace I could barely put it down and even though I had suspicions about the killer throughout the book I didn’t actually figure it out until about the last third.

Things I Liked

- Darcy had some more page time! He and Georgie seemed to work things out a little better and I liked that.
- Georgie is, per usual, trying to find somewhere to live and somehow to support herself and this time instead of the queen coming through with an “assignment,” she actually finds a job that suits both herself and the royal relatives. Her mother just happens to be nearby, being her usual flighty but charming self.
- The murders – yes, more than one this time – just kept coming and getting stranger and…is it weird that I really liked that?

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 15 August, 2019: Finished reading
  • 15 August, 2019: Reviewed