Shattered Love by Stacey Marie Brown

Shattered Love (Blinded Love, #1)

by Stacey Marie Brown

Everyone has a story about a broken heart, but Jaymerson’s heart wasn’t just broken. It was completely shattered…

Along with her body and mind.

Jaymerson Holloway had it all—until one moment—one bad decision. A split second and her life was altered forever. Faced with unimaginable grief and guilt, while learning to simply walk again, Jaymerson learns nothing will never be the same. Family and friends want her to get back to who she was before. But in starting over, nothing she was before feels real to her now. The only one who understands what she is going through is someone who has always hated her.

The other survivor.

Hunter Harris is totally off-limits and full of secrets of his own.

Though each blame the other, they start to help each other repair their shattered lives.

But as the undeniable pull between them intensifies, Jaymerson starts to wonder if she will ever learn the secrets Hunter’s been hiding—or if she even wants to.

Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

5 of 5 stars




One thing is for certain; Stacey Marie Brown always surprises me with her books and Shattered Love was no different! I am completely blown away by this one, I was a bit nervous during the first half of the book because I wasn't a fan of what was happening. The feeling of just annoyance with the supporting characters was overpowering everything that I was feeling for the book but things quickly changed and we're thrown into Jaymerson and Hunter's story. This book challenged me a bit and took me into all sorts of directions, emotionally. Their story is completely complicated with too many secrets, but it'll punch you right where it hurts every single time.

Let me start off with the fact that this book brought back so many reasons why I hated high school. The teenage years are horrible, nothing great about going through all the angst and teenage bullsh*t, plus teenagers are downright vicious. I'm just so thankful that I don't have to go through high school EVER again, well until my child is that point in her life. Someone save me!

Shattered Love turned out to be something so different than I thought it would be. During the first 40% of the book, I struggled with the story so much. I couldn't deal with Jaymerson's parents, so called friends (they're the worst!) and even her teachers. This girl went through one of the most traumatic experiences in her life and in such a short time, they expected her to go back normal. Uh, hello ... it doesn't work like that. She was beyond angry about everything, not just with the people around her, but with Colton and Hunter. It was just the three of them that night when everything went tragically wrong. Everything she was feeling was absolutely normal and no one understood that except Hunter. She bottled up all her anger and I was waiting for her to finally release it all ... even though I finished the book, I'm still waiting for her to just spew her anger over EVERYONE.  I NEED that moment! But SMB captured the teenage mind so honestly, being someone so young and just stuck in your mind where no one really understands. Definition of a teenager, everyone.
I don't care what everyone else thinks. You make me feel alive. Happy. I can be completely myself. Real

Hunter ... all I have to say is that people have him so wrong. But I'll be honest and say that I never liked Colton ... and that's probably as far as I'll touch on that topic. I love Hunter, he was quite the mystery for most of the book, but constantly leaves you begging to know more about him. He's definitely dubbed as the bad twin and yes he has his flaws, but I always believed him to be the good twin. Colton rubbed me the wrong way and I'm sure I wasn't the only one that got the same vibe from the very beginning. I just wanted more about Hunter, so much more. Even though some truths are revealed by the end, I'm still left with so many questions. But seriously, be ready to fall in love with Hunter, everyone.

Aside from all the struggles I went through with this book, I absolutely loved it.. Jaymerson was on edge the entire book, she had such a whirlwind of emotion and you couldn't help but feel for her. A girl who just needed to truly find herself again after the huge trauma she went through in her life and no one was really letting her do that. I have so many hopes for her in the next story and more than anything, I think she needs to get away from everyone and everything. She needs just be on her own to figure herself out. She's like a bird stuck in a cage, she wants nothing more than to be free, but there's just so much holding her back.
Shed your feathers and soar. Be yourself. Fly free.

If anything, this book was more about Jaymerson than it was Jaymerson and Hunter's story. I'm hoping we get some of Hunter's POV in the next one. I think there's still so much to learn about him.

The end of the book wasn't quite a cliffhanger, but I have a feeling of what will be happening next in their story. And let's just say that I'm rooting for that because they BOTH need it. I know that this little paragraph will be confusing as hell, but Jaymerson and Hunter haven't really had the chance to properly heal from what they endured. They haven't had time away and they desperately need it. As much as you'll constantly beg for them to finally be together, I want them apart for a bit. I seriously think it's necessary for them to grow. These two are fighters and I'm sure nothing will keep them apart, so I know we'll be in for another hell of a ride in Broken Love.

So yes, absolutely loved this book, SMB does it again with her words! Jaymerson and Hunter's story is a duet, but there's a third book in the series and I'm curious about who it will be, but I have inklings. Prepare to have your heart shattered all over the damn place with Shattered Love. SMB fans will love it!


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  • 28 March, 2018: Reviewed