101 Lasagnas & Other Layered Casseroles by Julia Rutland

101 Lasagnas & Other Layered Casseroles

by Julia Rutland

Enjoy lasagna every night of the week with this mix of classic and inventive lasagna recipes the whole family will love!

Weekend or weeknight, everyone is always looking for easy and delicious recipes to put on the table—and what’s more comforting than lasagna, the kind of food that satisfies from the moment the casserole is pulled from the oven, all hot and bubbly, with a mouthwatering aroma that fills the kitchen.

But this isn’t your grandma’s lasagna. 101 Lasagnas & Other Layered Casseroles features 101 new creative takes on the traditional favorite, including vegetarian and plant-forward variations. Enjoy recipes like:
-Skillet Beef and Sausage Lasagna
-Asian Short Ribs with Wonton Noodles
-Green Chile Chicken with Tortilla “Noodles”
-Veggie Lasagna Pockets
-And Apple Pie Lasagna​

Going beyond the recipes, this book teaches you the basics on different types and sized pans, including cast iron and glass bakeware, as well as the variety of available noodles, including gluten-free. Or skip the pasta altogether and use fresh veggies instead.

If it has layers, we’re considering it a lasagna—so pull out your casserole pans, roll up your sleeves, and get ready to give dinnertime some extra spice!

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

To be published on my blog at release: Nonstop Reader.

101 Lasagnas & Other Layered Casseroles is a recipe collection developed by Julia Rutland. Due out 8th Dec 2020 from Simon & Schuster on their Tiller Press imprint, it's 192 pages and will be available in paperback and ebook formats.

The introduction contains a good capsule survey of baking & casserole dishes and pans, as well as noodles, meats, cheese, and other ingredients as well as lasagna construction. The recipes are arranged by category: meat, poultry, vegetarian, seafood, and dessert. I really appreciated the inclusion of plant based dishes. Many of these are -hearty- one-dish mains that even my meat loving family really devoured (without complaining).

Ingredient measurements are supplied in American measurements only. There's a conversion chart for metric measures in the appendices. There's no included nutritional information. Extra tips or recipe alternatives are listed in sidebars with the recipes. The recipes themselves are fairly straightforward and are made with easily sourced ingredients. Many are very simple, none of them are overly complex.

The photography is not at all abundant; very few of the recipes are illustrated, but at least most of the photographs which are included are clear and well done. I wish there had been more serving suggestions, but I do understand that extra photography increases the price of book projects very quickly. The photography also has a very retro feel - it reminds me of 80s-90s ladies' magazine layouts (not necessarily a bad thing, but it is something to consider).

The recipes we tested were without major errors and were tasty and appealing.

Three and a half stars (mostly because of the lack of photography).

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • 20 September, 2020: Finished reading
  • 20 September, 2020: Reviewed