Running from Scandal by Amanda McCabe

Running from Scandal (Harlequin Historical, #1165) (Mills & Boon Historical) (Bancrofts of Barton Park, #2)

by Amanda McCabe

Emma Bancroft used to pride herself on her sensible nature, but good sense flew out the window during her first season in London! Her reputation and her belief in true love in tatters, she reluctantly returns home to Barton Park. David Marton is trying to live a quiet life--until Emma comes sweeping back. With whispers of scandal all about her, he knows she will never be the right woman for him, but sometimes temptation is just too hard to resist.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

They both have pasts they regret but can they learn to love each other. She ran away with a man who died fighting a duel over another woman, he lost his wife to an accident while she was fleeing with her lover. Both of them have doubts about finding true love, after all that's what they believed they had the last time, both of them try to fit into what people want from them, but they're ignoring themselves.

This was fairly predictable but I liked it, they're both damaged people who discover that there might be something that they hold in common. It's an interesting dance they weave between each other.

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  • Started reading
  • 30 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 30 January, 2015: Reviewed