The Gathering Dusk by Cynthia Eden

The Gathering Dusk (Killer Instinct)

by Cynthia Eden

Don't miss the heart-pounding prequel novella to bestselling author Cynthia Eden's new Killer Instinct series!

When untried FBI profiler Samantha Dark is face-to-face with a killer, there's no room for fear. Her best weapon is her instincts. Those same dark impulses that allow her to get inside the mind of murderer, to locate victims-or to pull the trigger before she's next. She can't afford to have those instincts clouded by anything... especially her far-too-sexy new partner.

Former SEAL Blake Gamble plays everything by the book. Except, of course, when it comes to the increasingly simmering attraction between them. But when a vengeful serial killer targets them both, Samantha once again reaches into the sinister, shadowed part of herself. Even as she begins to fear that the only way to catch this killer is to become one...

Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

3 of 5 stars

The Gathering Dusk is the prequel to the Killer Instinct series. It introduced the reader to Samantha Dark, a top-notch FBI profiler and her partner, former Navy Seal Blake Gamble. The story started out on an interesting note, which had me keen to learn more. Blake and Sam had attempted to apprehend a serial killer and save his latest victim. Things, however, did not go as planned and lives were lost, which placed them both in the crosshairs of a killer seeking revenge. In the aftermath, Samantha struggled with the guilt because of the loss of life, which brought to the forefront memories from her past.

Despite the brevity of the story, it proved to be a gripping and intense read, which whetted my appetite for more. Blake is the type who plays by the rules, but with Samantha, he would do just about anything to protect her. They both shared a chemistry, which slowly developed as the story progressed, but someone from Samantha’s past, who was privy to her darkest secrets, did not like this development, placing them both in further danger. Samantha has proven time and time again that her profiling skills were unparalleled, but this latest development regarding the individual from her past had her questioning her abilities.

The reader found Samantha fascinating, the way her mind works and how her profiles were spot on. Hints provided indicated she had a troubled past, which made the reader curious to learn more. However, regarding Blake the reader felt cheated as the information regarding his background was lacking. I was not sure if the length played a role in this lack of information or if it was a deliberate move by the author.

The story ended on an intriguing note, which had me immediately picking up the next book in the series. Overall, a quick read and great introduction to the seriesThis review was originally posted on Totally Addicted to Reading

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  • 24 January, 2021: Reviewed