Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

5 of 5 stars

Every now and then I would come across a book that leaves an indelible mark and I am unable to stop thinking about it for weeks. Those Children Are Ours by David Burnett is one such book. This is a beautifully written story of heartbreak, loss, pain, forgiveness and healing. Choosing to read this title was indeed one of the best decisions I have made as it relates to my choice of reading matter. I have no regrets whatsoever. This was my first time reading this author’s work and it definitely will not be my last.

I was fascinated by the blurb and the cover and I was eager to see how the tale would develop. The author touched on the sensitive issues of mental illness and physical abuse. He demonstrated the devastating impact that mental illness can have on the patient and their family if not diagnosed and properly treated. If we fail to see the signs, then the impact can be devastating. The author demonstrated this when Jennie’s husband failed to recognize that her change in behaviour was due to some underlying mental issues.

Initially, I detested Jennie. For the life of me, I could not understand how a mother could abandon her children. Jennie did this and now twelve years later she wanted to reconnect with them. To me she came off as being selfish, however, as the story progressed, I found myself wishing that she would get that second chance she so desired. It was evident that Jennie has come a long way since that fateful day, twelve years ago. She is a prime example that a person, with the proper support, can change if they desire to do so and for me persons like these deserve a second chance. She has learnt that things are not so black and white. She came to the realization that she could not pick up from where she left off. She had to fight to prove that she was worthy of this second chance. Will she win the battle and prove herself worthy or will her past prove to be her downfall?

I loved the way the characters were portrayed. They were some you like, but there were those who you disliked immensely and the more you encounter them the more you find yourself despising them. Jennie’s father was a prime example.

The story is extremely well written. From the moment I began reading I knew that I would have a hard time putting this one down. The pacing was well balanced, there was never a dull moment. There was a particular event in the book that had me on pins and needles. It was a very nerve-wracking moment, but in the end it worked out the way it should for all the parties involved.

I enjoyed this story and I would highly recommend that you give it a try.

I received a copy of this book courtesy of Beck Valley Books in exchange for a honest review.

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  • 1 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 1 January, 2015: Reviewed