Looking for Me by Beth Hoffman

Looking for Me

by Beth Hoffman

Opening an antiques shop in Charleston after discovering a talent for restoring furniture, Teddi Overman struggles to come to terms with her shattered family and sense of self after receiving news that her long-missing brother might still be alive.

Reviewed by Lianne on

4 of 5 stars

When we meet Teddi in Looking for Me, there’s a lot of things going on in her life, a lot of loose ends that never met any sort of closure. It has been years since her brother Josh disappeared but she never accepted the fact that he would never return. There’s a massive rift between her and her mother, in part because of what happened to Josh, in part because of her career choice. These aspects of her life are slowly explored (and in some ways resolved) over the course of the novel as Teddi comes to terms to with each of them.

I really enjoyed following Teddi through her everyday life: her life in Charleston, seeing her friends, managing her business and later her love life. It was nice to watch her life start to move forward as she deals with her respective issues from the past. I highly recommend this novel if you’re looking for a family drama set in a quiet town.

My complete review of the novel was originally posted at eclectictales.com: http://www.eclectictales.com/blog/2013/05/20/review-looking-for-me/

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  • Started reading
  • 16 May, 2013: Finished reading
  • 16 May, 2013: Reviewed