Loki's Wolves tells the story of Matt, Fen and Laurie, who are the descendants of the Norse Gods (Thor and Loki), who are supposed to be the substitutes for these gods during Ragnarök, the apocalypse that will destroy everything if the gods don't act. As a direct descendant of Thor, Matt is chosen as the one who needs to kill the sea serpent Jormungand, but to do that he must find all the descendants in time, convince them to fight along with him, and find some very special items as well.
When I first started reading it, I had been expecting it to only be about Thor and Loki, because they are the best known gods of the mythology, and of course with Marvel having movies and comics about them I had been very afraid. But this book has more gods (and goddesses) in it than I had expected, and I loved it. I won't spoil it for you, of course, but one of the descendants they tracked down was really one of my favourite gods (though I think that may have been caused by the Almighty Johnsons, in which this god is just amazing). In the end, I liked all the descendants, and I really hope we'll get to meet more of them in the next two books.
The story was very simply written, seeing as it's a book for teenagers (from I think the age of twelve to sixteen maybe), but that didn't really bother me too much. I was too busy enjoying the story and noticing all the references to the actual mythology (like the Valkyries and the Mare/Mara, and yes yes yes I loved it). The characters were so like their God-ancestors, and that made me really happy. The Blackwell Pages is a great way to learn about Norse Mythology, if you're not into reading 'adult' books like Runemarks and The Gospel of Loki. And yes, I am still also looking forward to Rick Riordan's take on the myths, yay!
There were multiple POV's in this book, but they didn't bother me too much. That was probably because the story was written from a third-person narrative, rather than first-person. And also because the names of the character whose turn it was was above the chapter title. The three POV's were Matt, Fen and Laurie (obviously) and they were all pleasant characters to read from. Honestly I didn't really find that much difference between their characters, but that might have just been me.
Another amazing thing about this book? It has illustrations. Yes, illustrations! In between the pages of this book, there are some scenes that have been drawn, and wow honestly these images look really cool! It really adds something to the story, it makes you able to imagine the characters better and just wow, look at them:
I probably spend way too much time looking at these images, but honestly they look so cool! I really hope there's more of these images in the other two books in this series.
So yes, in the end, I loved Loki's Wolves, even though I was afraid it might be too much about Thor and Loki (okay the three main characters who have POV's in this story are descendants of these gods, but other than that it wasn't that much actually). If you are looking for a nice bookseries about Norse Gods while waiting for Rick Riordan's series, go and read The Blackwell Pages (Loki's Wolves, Odin's Ravens and Thor's Serpents).
My opinion on this book in one gif: