Vile Village by Lemony Snicket

Vile Village (Series of Unfortunate Events, #7)

by Lemony Snicket

There is nothing to be found in the pages of A Series of Unfortunate Events but misery and despair. You still have time to choose another international best-seller to read. But if you must know what unpleasantries befall the charming and clever Baudelaire children read on...Within the chapters of The Vile Village Violet, Klaus and Sunny face such unpleasant matters as migrating crows, an angry mob, a newspaper headline, the arrest of innocent people, the Deluxe cell, and some very strange hats. With 5 million copies sold in the UK alone, one might consider Lemony Snicket's A Series of...Read more

Reviewed by ibeforem on

4 of 5 stars

I think I enjoyed this one more than the last few. The formula was shaken up a bit. And I’ve never heard “deus ex machina” explained so well!

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 31 March, 2005: Finished reading
  • 31 March, 2005: Reviewed