Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

I received an ARC through NetGalley.

Cyborgs, zombies, and Las Vegas! Oh my! That is the unexpected set up for Wish Upon a Star, and it's a good one! Ceri is spending the day with her daughter and mother at Pleasure Island before heading to a meeting with her ex-husband to discuss custody and visitation. Then she runs into her ex-fiance, Jason, who also happens to be there to talk to her ex-husband about a few things. It turns out that Russell is holding his dead brother's body hostage, for some unknown and probably nefarious reasons. Jason's brother was the first successful cyborg patient after being in an accident, but now that he's met his final death, Jason just wants to put him to rest. Ceri agrees to help Jason talk to Russell about returning the body, but Russell has some other plans for them.

Wish Upon a Star was super fun! It's fast paced, action packed, and is topped off with some steamy romance. This is how novellas should be! And zombie cyborgs? Awesome! Ceri and Jason spend most of the 80ish pages fighting zombies, running for their lives, and trying to save her daughter. They also work through their past problems in order to rekindle their relationship, but that was less interesting than the impending zombie apocalypse. Wish Upon a Star uses the ol' race against the clock cliche to keep the story moving, but I definitely think it works. Ceri and Jason have only 2 hours to make their way from the basement to the top floor of the hotel, keeping zombies at bay along the way, grab her daughter and mother, then make it back down to the safe room before the military blows the building to smithereens!

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  • Started reading
  • 10 October, 2013: Finished reading
  • 10 October, 2013: Reviewed