Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

3 of 5 stars

I’ve been debating about diving back into Harley Quinn’s series for a while now. I used the last issue as an excuse to start up again (because it was a holiday issue and thus standalone). Since this one looked like it was the start of a new plot I figured it was now or never…
Okay, the cat theme didn’t hurt things either. In fact that may have tipped the scales in favor of reading it. The issue started off pretty well, all things considered. I loved the cat cameos, even if I was surprised about one part (I’m not sure I should say what, for sake of spoilers, even minor ones). Things got a bit out of hand though. It was a comical issue, and it had a lot of references to internet culture, misogyny and things like that. It was intentionally heavy handed and unrealistic, but the point they were trying to make was real. I think.

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  • 5 July, 2020: Finished reading
  • 5 July, 2020: Reviewed
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  • 5 July, 2020: Reviewed