Born of Silence by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Born of Silence (League, #5) (League: Nemesis Rising)

by Sherrilyn Kenyon

The second most infamous member of the shadow organisation called Sentella, Kere, an explosives engineer, is known for striking terror in the hearts of all enemies. The bounty on his head is truly staggering, and no one outside the Sentella knows his real identity. Zarya Starska grew up hard on the back streets of hell. Labeled a traitor because of her father's political beliefs, she dreams of a different life and a different world. A world where the harsh hand of the Caronese government doesn't destroy the lives of its citizens. As a resistance leader, her goal is to...Read more

Reviewed by Linda on

5 of 5 stars

I think The League series is my favorite series by Sherrilyn Kenyon! I love the intergalactic problems, the League, the Sentinella, the characters, the strong women... And Born of Silence kept me awake at night thinking about it, it touched me on a very deep level, and it was beautifully written!

Full review can be found on my blog (un)Conventional Bookviews.

The League series is always filled with surprises, amazing fights and a real love story. Born of Silence follows the other books in the series, and the characters from all the other books are present in this volume, to my great delight.

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  • Started reading
  • 29 October, 2012: Finished reading
  • 29 October, 2012: Reviewed