The Switch by Elmore Leonard

The Switch

by Elmore Leonard

Ordell Robbie and Louis Gara have lots in common - time in the same gaol, convictions for auto theft, and a grand plan. They're going to snatch the wife of a Detroit developer and collect some easy ransom money. At least that's what they think...

What they haven't figured on is the fact that the husband has a secret mistress and has absolutely no desire to get his wife back. So now it's time for Plan B. With the help of one seriously ticked-off housewife they are going to take the scumbag for everything he's got...

THE SWITCH has been adapted for the big screen as LIFE OF CRIME, starring Jennifer Aniston, Tim Robbins and Isla Fisher.

Reviewed by jamiereadthis on

5 of 5 stars

“There was no other Mickey perched there watching, prompting words the nice Mickey would never say. There was only one Mickey here— the Mickey she wanted to be— and it was about time to let her loose.”

I’m not sure, as recently as a year ago, if this would have been amongst my favorite of Elmore’s. But it is now. I get Mickey. I love Mickey. The fact that she forms the unlikely friendship with Louis— without the cliche slide into romance— is only one of the many reasons I love her. And by extension, why I love the way Elmore writes.

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  • 19 March, 2018: Reviewed