Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

This is one of the most gorgeous covers I have seen in a long while. Much like the Triple Dog Dare Devo, the cover sparkles, but this one is not dots like that one, it's like a glittery shattered glass or something - a creative confetti of shine. I think it is a great suggestion to have a thick devotional that shows a girl of ages 9-12 that she is really capable of a daily devotional that really can challenge her. Dynamic devotionals for girls. I love the cover, not just because of the sparkilies, but also because it is contemporary and vintage - calm colors and not all glam. Exactly the time of things that I would like to suggest to my girls as they come of age.

*Thanks to The B&B Media Group for providing a copy for review through FIRST Wild Card Tours.*

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  • Started reading
  • 27 November, 2011: Finished reading
  • 27 November, 2011: Reviewed