Reviewed by Baroness Book Trove on

5 of 5 stars

The Odd Fellows Society by C.G. Barrett took me on a surprisingly good mystery that made me want to keep on reading. I was hooked from the email that the author sent me and the plot. Although, the life of a book blogger sometimes means I need to wait to read a book as I I have other commitments. Once I opened the book on my kindle fire I was once again reminded why I wanted to read it.

The Odd Fellows Society reminded me of a mixture of two great series. The first one is Dan Brown’s books with Robert Langdon, with the church and the teaching/history of the priesthood. The second one is National Treasure for the clues of using some pieces of our history, the baddies, and the history as well. I love both of these series. As I reading this book it reminded me of those two series which prompted me to read more to discover what happens next every single time.

I was instantly mesmerized with this novel. I wanted to know what happened next and what the clues meant. I was surprised in a few areas of the books as I didn’t expect what happened (such great plot shifts). Overall, this book caught me off guard and exceeded my expectations. That is always a good thing. This book is also not like one that I normally read. I try to stay away from ones that deal with religion. Unless the plot is really something, like this book and the Robert Langdon ones as well.

I am giving this book five butterflies as it is an outstanding read that I am glad I took the chance on. The characters are all perfectly developed and some plots twist I completely didn’t expect. The mystery was superb. I would and will recommend this really awesome book to anyone who loves a good mystery.

Anyways until the next time enjoy this book review brought to you by

Baroness’ Book Trove.


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  • 20 September, 2016: Reviewed