Mirrorworld by Jeremy Robinson


by Jeremy Robinson

Crazy has no memory and feels no fear. Dangerous and unpredictable, he's locked away in SafeHaven, a psychiatric hospital, where he spends the long days watching Wheel of Fortune and wondering what the outside world smells like. When a mysterious visitor arrives and offers him a way out Crazy doesn't hesitate to accept. But outside the hospital Crazy is faced with a world on the brink of nuclear annihilation, and finds himself relocated to Neuro Inc., a secretive corporation with strange government ties. When he discovers evidence of human experimentation he escapes with a syringe, the contents of which are unknown to him but precious to Neuro. Cornered and with a complete disregard for the results, Crazy makes himself indispensable by injecting the substance into his leg. As the substance enters his bloodstream, though, his eyes are opened to a world beyond human experience, where fear is a tool and the shadows hide the source of mankind's nightmares. Struggling to understand his new abilities, Crazy allies himself with the company he fled and begins peeling back the layers of his past, the brewing war between worlds, how he can stop it - and what he did to start it.
With Crazy, Robinson, whose trademarked pacing and inventive plots have been highly praised by bestselling authors like Jonathan Maberry, Scott Sigler and James Rollins, treats readers to a wildly imaginative, frenetically paced thriller exploring the origins of fear.

Reviewed by Jeff Sexton on

5 of 5 stars

Jeremy Robinson has long been rumored to be building towards a world-spanning crossover event, and in this book he gives himself potentially his most powerful weapon yet for such an event.

The Dread are among us, but we can't see them unless they *really* want us to. They are the unspeakable horrors we feel, even the uncomfortableness we feel when nothing seems to be amiss.

Crazy is also among us. Crazy claims he can see them, and even fight them. Crazy just might be right.

You see, Crazy doesn't realize who he is or why he became what he is, but he *is*, in fact, the only person who can naturally fight the Dread on their own turf - a parallel dimension to ours, occupying our same physical realm but on a different frequency.

How can Crazy fight the Dread? Why do the Dread even want to fight at all? And who, actually, is Crazy? Well, for those answers and one of Jeremy's wildest rides yet - which is saying quite a bit - you'll just have to pick this book up!

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  • 13 December, 2017: Reviewed