Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

The Beauty Geek's Guide to Skin Care is a new encyclopedia and guide to common ingredients included in commercial beauty product formulations. Author Deborah Burnes is a model, lifestyle and beauty blogger who became a natural beauty advocate after searching for healthy alternatives to commercially available products for her own use.

Due out 4th June 2019 from Rockridge Press, it's 190 pages and will be available in paperback and ebook formats. The ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links and references in the index.

The book is split into four sections. The first segment (5% of the content) includes a pretty good layman accessible discussion of the physiological properties of skin; how skin works, what it's comprised of, and what it needs to function optimally. Throughout the book, highlighted information is provided in sidebars and bullet lists.

The second chapter (also about 5%) includes a short section about how to care for your skin, developing and maintaining an effective skincare regimen, and contains a good sidebar with a bullet list of helpful and harmful environmental and dietary factors.

The bulk of the book's content (86%) is used on an alphabetical listing of ingredients with a short definition of the uses and some of their properties.

The final section includes an abbreviated list of DIY beauty product recipes. Each of the recipes includes the ingredients, and properties/uses as well as yield and storage information.

Worth noting for Kindle Unlimited subscribers. This title is available in the KU subscription.

This is an interesting and appealing guide to taking control of the beauty products we use on and in our bodies. The language is completely layman accessible and it's not necessary to have a degree in advanced chemistry to understand the information provided.

Five stars. Lots of useful info here. There are online search engines available but this is one of the few layman accessible books with info on the subject with which I'm familiar.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • 1 June, 2019: Reviewed