Clementine and Claudia by Piper Milton

Clementine and Claudia

by Piper Milton

The First World War is raging and sisters Clementine and Claudia are coping in very different ways. Claudia is a nurse on the front line, doing her best to save the lives of soldiers wounded while serving their country. Clementine, on the other hand, is living the good life in England, deliberately oblivious to the horrors her sister and so many others are living through. When they both meet their perfect man, their already fractured relationship is tested in ways they could never imagine.

Reviewed by chymerra on

3 of 5 stars

Before I start my review, I would like to thank Silvertail Books and NetGalley for allowing me to review Clementine and Claudia by Piper Milton.

**All opinions stated in this review are mine and mine alone. I received Clementine and Claudia from Silvertail Books through NetGalley as an ARC for my honest review**

Now onto my review:

My review:

This book was soooo slow in the beginning that I almost DNF. Stress almost. But once I got past the first couple of chapters, the book started to pick up steam and move along nicely.

I loved the historical aspect of this book and the fact that it was written in the World War 1 time period. Just reading the book took me back to that era. The author did a wonderful job creating that world. I could picture the bombs going off, air raid sirens going off, hearing the battlefield in my ears….with the moans and groans of injured patients.

I did have an issue with the romance part of the book. I want my romance from that period to be sweet and innocent. This one was twardy and it was almost dirty. I know people can’t help who they fall in love with but I really wished that the author chose a different road for her characters. I mean, cheating on your spouse isn’t cool, and I felt for Charles in that scene and in the scene where he let his wife go to be with the one she wanted. I was so sad about that.

The ending was what I expected because I knew that the star crossed lovers would be together.

How many stars will I give Clementine and Claudia: 3

Why: A wonderfully written, vivid historical piece that written as a historical romance. For me, the romance fell flat and like I said in my review, was twardy and almost dirty.

Will I reread? Maybe

Will I reccomend to family and friends? Maybe

Age Range: Teen

Why: Sexual situations (but never gotten into detail) and description of wartime violence (including an amputation of a leg).

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 22 September, 2016: Finished reading
  • 22 September, 2016: Reviewed