All That She Can See by Carrie Hope Fletcher

All That She Can See

by Carrie Hope Fletcher


A story of love, food and a little bit of magic, All That She Can See is an enchanting and beautiful novel that's guaranteed to be the most magical story you'll read all year.

Feelings are part of life - feelings are life. If you take away what people feel, you take away anything meaningful. Wanting to diminish the evil in this world is a good cause, one I have fought for the majority of my life, but not like this . . .

Cherry has a hidden talent. She can see things other people can't and she decided a long time ago to use this skill to help others. As far as the rest of the town is concerned she's simply the kind-hearted young woman who runs the local bakery, but in private she uses her gift to add something special to her cakes so that after just one mouthful the townspeople start to feel better about their lives. They don't know why they're drawn to Cherry's bakery - they just know that they're safe there and that's how Cherry likes it. She can help them in secret and no one will ever need to know the truth behind her gift.

And then Chase turns up and threatens to undo all the good Cherry has done. Because it turns out she's not the only one who can see what she sees . . .


Reviewed by Steph L on

4 of 5 stars

4.5 The one part that I thought was odd was how this book switches genre's with almost no warning about 70% of the way though the book.

Characters 5/5

I loved Chase and Cherry I thought they were so sweet as a couple. They might not have started out as a couple, but they ended up being very cute. I didn't love Chase's mother or his aunt, but I understand why they were there, the same goes for the characters that were The Guild.

Story 4.5/5

I enjoyed the story, but I wanted to know when we were going to switch genre's from a light fluffy romance to a heavy dystopian sort of a setting. Some readers might have liked this, and once I got used to the change, I was enjoying the story, but it was so much of a change.

Writing 5/5

This was my first time reading this authors fiction and I think she is a fantastic writer! I will definitely be reading more of her books.

Pace 5/5

The story had such a steady pace and I loved that. The light scenes were fast and the more dramatic and emotional scenes were just that.

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  • Started reading
  • 7 June, 2019: Finished reading
  • 7 June, 2019: Reviewed