Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars

Part of me honestly can’t believe that Killmonger got his own series. Sure, it’s a five (or is it six? I’m blanking right now and feeling too lazy to check) part series, but that’s still something! I shouldn’t be surprised though – not after how popular he was after the movie came out.
His backstory is slightly different between the comics and the movies, but again that’s no real surprise. The changes are fairly subtle on the whole (small enough where you could pretend it was a misinterpretation, if you really wanted to).
So far the series has mostly focused on a specific time in Killmonger’s life. He’s no longer a child, but he hasn’t hit that point that we so easily recognize in the comics/movies. Not yet, at least. I expect that we’ll be seeing him progress to that point, as he already has the motivation. Now he just needs the means.

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  • 11 December, 2018: Finished reading
  • 11 December, 2018: Reviewed