Reviewed by Lynn on

4 of 5 stars

Often there is quite a time lapse between reading a synopsis for a book that I'd like to review and actually reading the said book. So when I began “And So She Waited,” I jumped in blind. After a couple of pages my initial thought was... what am I reading?

There was nothing instantly likable about Raven, Remy and Matt. They all oozed “attitude and aggression” and at times act and speak in a manner more akin to immature adolescents that young adults. In theory, these three talented and privileged people should have the world at their feet-everything to gain, nothing to loose. However, the author shows us an example of why these young people act and behave the way they do; how our upbringing shapes us into being the people we are in both a positive and negative way. We learn that one young woman is struggling to cope with the world that surrounds her, creating a domino effect which results in this tragic story of unrequited love.

My overall feeling is that I appreciate what the author is trying to achieve with Raven, Remy and Matt. Their characters need to be further developed to really fully understand the reasons behind their motivations, along with those in the supporting roles. There are too many unknown factors right now, especially with Remy and Matt.

The twist towards the end it is incredibly sad, however I applaud the fact that the author doesn't give a defined ending. It is very thought provoking, leaving us the readers to think and decide what may or may not have happened next. This is going to stay with me for a while...

***arc received in exchange for an honest review***

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  • Started reading
  • 20 November, 2014: Finished reading
  • 20 November, 2014: Reviewed