Red Knit Cap Girl by Naoko Stoop

Red Knit Cap Girl

by Naoko Stoop

In the forest, there is time to wonder about everything. Red Knit Cap Girl wonders about flowers, butterflies, leaves and clouds. But most of all, she wonders about the Moon. In this gentle, heartwarming story, debut author Naoko Stoop introduces readers to Red Knit Cap Girl and her friend White Bunny on their quest to find a way to talk to the Moon. Though the two search and search the forest, they just can't seem to get close enough to reach the Moon. At long last, with the help of their forest friends and the advice of wise Mr. Owl, Red Knit Cap Girl and White Bunny learn that they need only to wait and listen quietly to make their wish come true. Gorgeously illustrated on wood grain, Red Knit Cap Girl's curiosity, imagination, and joy will captivate the hearts of readers young and old as her journey offers a gentle reminder to appreciate the beauty of the natural world around us.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars

First I have to point out the amazing surface medium of this book of acrylic and pencil on plywood! It leads such a texture that is appropriate and works for every page. The red knit cap girl and white bunny go on an adventure to talk to the moon and it is inspiring and full of imagination. I know I will enjoy sharing this with my girls time and again. I hope to see more of Naoko Stoop's art in the future.

*Thanks to LB*


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  • Started reading
  • 6 June, 2012: Finished reading
  • 6 June, 2012: Reviewed