Reviewed by Briana @ Pages Unbound on
Both Adam and Mia have changed in the years since her accident, and as Adam’s life suggests, not all the changes were for the better. Where She Went is a troubling book in that some readers might find it difficult to like the characters as much as they did before. Adam’s problems are more obvious, but Mia has also done something terrible. Both of them have reasons, and the right readers will understand what drove them to such destructive decisions. But the love readers experience will be the tough kind, the kind where they love what the characters were before and what they can be—but not what they are now. This makes an interesting reading experience, but certainly not a fun one. Readers who dislike disapproving of nearly everything a character does will doubtless be frustrated.
Naturally, Mia and Adam do come to an understanding by the story’s end, and readers are not left dangling, sitting staring at the pages and screaming, “You idiots!” Yet the final pages are like that of If I Stay, just conclusive enough that there is really nothing to complain about, but still a little more open than some readers might like. I, for one, would not mind a third book, in which Forman presents Mia and Adam in a truly positive light, showing what they can accomplish when they make the right decisions. As it is, I am proud of them, but still waiting for them to shine.
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- 20 May, 2012: Finished reading
- 20 May, 2012: Reviewed