Reviewed by Eve1972 on

4 of 5 stars

Oh man this book was SO flipping good! This was totally me whilst reading...

This would have been a total 5 star read for me had it not been for a couple of things. Liya was funny, and feisty, but to be honest bugged the ever loving hell out of me with all the pushing away. I have a REALLY low tolerance lately for heroine's that push away perfect heroes, or utter (as the case was here) "Let's just be "fuck buddies". That in combination with the truly (IMO) dumb reason she was doing the whole pushing away thing, knocked it down a star!

That aside, I ADORED this book. I loved all the side characters (and there were a ton) and I hope every one of them gets a books, well maybe except Josh because I had to hear to much about his man-whore ways! *lol* It was also funny as hell, and the sexy times were SMOKING, or maybe that was me after reading them! ;)

Caleb was PERFECTION, alpha, but sweet, and he never gave up on Liya even thought I thought at times he deserved better. AND, he wasn't a man-whore! It had been months since he last had sex. The plot flowed nicely, and I never felt the need to skim.

No OW/OM drama, they didn't use condoms, but had the "are you on the pill/I'm clean talk" It's not mentioned how long it has been for Liya sex wise, but I got the feeling it had been awhile. Her past is briefly mentioned as it's a part of the reason for her pushing away.

Overall I was really impressed with this author and can't wait for Nikki and Jake's book!!

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  • Started reading
  • 8 February, 2016: Finished reading
  • 8 February, 2016: Reviewed