From Ruin to Riches by Louise Allen

From Ruin to Riches (Harlequin Historical, #1169)

by Louise Allen

"Ruined and on the run, Julia Prior is in desperate straits when she meets a gentleman with a shocking proposal. Certain he is close to death, William Hadfield, Lord Dereham, sees Julia as the perfect woman to care for his beloved estate when he is gone--if she will first become his wife... Marriage is Julia's salvation--as Lady Hadfield, she can finally escape her sins. Until three years later, when the husband she believes to be dead returns, as handsome and strong as ever and intent on claiming the wedding night they never had!"-- Page [4] of cover.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

Found this one to be an interesting and good story of two people who meet and decide to wed for initial reasons which then turn into different reasons when circumstances change.

Julia Prior is ruined and on the run when she meets William Hadfield, Lord Dereham, he's convinced that his life is coming to an end that the illness he has is going to kill him and that his cousin isn't ready for the job of being in charge of the estate. She used to run her father's estate, this could be a good arrangement.

Then he goes away to the continent, to see things he wants to see before he dies, when he comes back three years later things change for everyone, he's healthy, she's in charge and their lives will never be the same again.

I liked the story and the characters and I thought they dealt with a lot of the issues well.

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  • Started reading
  • 20 August, 2014: Finished reading
  • 20 August, 2014: Reviewed