Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

Must Love Forever by Leigh Lennon is book 11 in the #425 Madison Avenue series, and can be read as a standalone. The books in the series are all standalones. They follow a different couple and the stories are told by different authors. In this story we meet Bianca and Mick. They have been a part of each other’s lives for as long as they can remember. Their fathers were best friends, so Bianca was always around. She was the annoying sister he could never seem to get rid of. However, as the years go by Mick’s feelings for Bianca changed. He no longer saw her as his little sister, but as the girl he would love to date. However, he failed to tell her how he felt and as a result he had to stand aside and watch her marry someone else. Then tragedy struck, will Mick get his chance with Bianca?

Must Love Forever is one of those stories that would tug on your heart heartstrings It is a story of healing and second chances.

Throughout the story it was clear that Bianca’s marriage wasn’t at all what it was purported to be. When the things that happened in her marriage were revealed, I wanted to throw something. My heart went out to Bianca. The things he did to her had the potential to break her, but her strength and love for Mick kept her going.

Mick was such a sweet and gentle soul. I loved how patient he was Bianca. He recognized that she was hurting, and even though he finally had the chance to be with the woman, he loved, he chose not to rush her. As she opened up to him regarding her marriage, it made it easy for her to move on. There were a few misunderstandings between them, but they resolved them.

I enjoyed the romance. Although Bianca and Mick had been in love with each for a long time, they immediately jump into a relationship. Mick gave her the space, and the time needed for healing.

I enjoyed the story and would definitely read more from the author. Fans of friends to lovers romance will enjoy Must Love Forever.

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  • 22 January, 2020: Finished reading
  • 22 January, 2020: Reviewed