The Bachelor Auction by Rachel Van Dyken

The Bachelor Auction (The Bachelors of Arizona)

by Rachel Van Dyken

The first book in a new series from Rachel Van Dyken about a straight-laced billionaire who's forced to spend three weeks alone with a working-class housekeeper, who happens to be the most fascinating creature he has ever met.

Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars


A wee bit of manipulation gets the job done.

Are you the type of person who says yes more than no? Is it easier to keep the peace and agree to do things you really want to say no to? I'll be honest, before kids I was definitely the kind of person who tried to make everyone happy, especially family. Having children changes your life. We all know it, but, it's amazing how quickly NO becomes easier to say. It also can become one of your most frequently used words -

No, don't eat that.

No, don't touch that.

No, don't climb on that.

No, don't play with your boy bits in public.

In The Bachelor Auction we meet our two main characters who struggle saying no. I can certainly relate to it, but I do think they both had an extreme problem with it. This problem has led them both to be living unhappy lives.

Jane lives with two very despicable sisters. They are evil, selfish and completely irresponsible. The sisters use Jane as their personal slave. She lets them. Yes, she knows she's being taken advantage of, but before their father died he asked her to keep the family together. The wicked sisters use this to their advantage.

One night Jane gets dragged out by her sisters where she meets her Prince Charming. The night ends with magic slippers and stolen kisses. Unfortunately, she has to return to her real world, but everything has changed. Jane eventually reaches the end of her tolerance with her witchy sisters and when a job opportunity magically appears she jumps at it. For the first time ever, she's leaving her OLDER sisters to fend for themselves.

Brock has spent most of his living years scared to say no. The last time he did say no to someone he loved, it changed his world forever. It's easier to say yes to his Grandfather's manipulations. Best not to say no in case it has repercussions. If it leaves him unhappy, unfulfilled, sad and lonely...well, that's just the price to pay.

One night a woman grabs his attention and doesn't let go. He's in unfamiliar territory but knows deep down he shouldn't let this fairytale Cinderella leave without a pair of magical slippers to remember him by.

Behind the scenes, there's a wee bit of manipulation going on. Brock's younger brothers, along with their Grandfather, think it's time to shake up his world.

When Prince Charming and Cinderella meet again it's not the fairytale either were hoping for. There are unkind words used to scare away the temptation of risking getting hurt. Their obligations are always in the back of their minds. Can they...should they...will they risk their hearts?

I really enjoyed The Bachelor Auction. This modern day fairytale made me smile. Both Jane and Brock had a sizzling attraction that jumped off the pages. In the intimate scenes, we can see and believe their connection. There were admittedly times that frustrated me and left me sad. I hated not seeing the horrible sisters suffer and get their just desserts.

I will definitely be reading more of this series in the future and hope Bentley's fairytale isn't too painful.

To Purchase The Bachelor Auction from Amazon -

I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -

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  • Started reading
  • 2 October, 2016: Finished reading
  • 2 October, 2016: Reviewed