Reviewed by ibeforem on

1 of 5 stars

I picked up this book because it was a June book-of-the-month in the Novel Ladies book group. Unfortunately, I was very disappointed in this and only made it about halfway through before I got completely bored. I was expecting so much more. Nothing here grabbed me. I didn’t care about Emily, except to think that she jumped to conclusions a little too quickly to be a good detective. I didn’t care about her daughter. I didn’t care about Nick and whether or not he killed his family. I especially didn’t care about the guy who may or may not have been a serial killer, and I didn’t read enough to find out how the heck his story was connected to the rest of it. I found the writing to be uninspired, and the “timestamps” more distracting than helpful. I know this is only Olsen’s second fiction book, but someone with 10 books under his belt should be able to figure out another way to tell me it’s 3 hours later in the day. There was just no suspense here for me. I’m curious to find out what the other Ladies thought of it!

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  • Started reading
  • 21 June, 2008: Finished reading
  • 21 June, 2008: Reviewed