No Exit by Lena Diaz

No Exit (EXIT Inc. Thrillers, #2) (EXIT Inc., #2)

by Lena Diaz

Lena Diaz returns to the thrilling world of EXIT Inc., with two enemies who become unlikely allies-and discover that only through love can they save each other As an agent of the Equalizers, Jace Atwell will risk everything to destroy EXIT Inc., the corrupt antiterrorist group, before more innocent lives are lost. The only way to infiltrate EXIT is by getting close to the CEO's beautiful daughter, but when they get a little too close, Jace finds himself falling for the woman he is duty-bound to deceive. Whatever clandestine activities EXIT is involved in, Melissa Cardenas refuses to believe that her father is responsible and is determined to prove it. So when sexy, smooth-talking Jace comes clean about his motives, Melissa drops a bombshell of her own: she's been investigating too-and she wants to help him find the truth. The chemistry between Melissa and Jace is undeniable, but their opposing views of justice make teamwork tricky. With their lives on the line-and the truth something neither of them expected-the only way to survive will be to trust their hearts and each other ...if they can.

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

3 of 5 stars

Diaz begins the No Exit with an intense scene that does not play out at all like Equalizer, Jace Atwell expected. Jace is trying to infiltrate EXIT Inc. and the team decided the CEO’s daughter Melissa Cardenas is the perfect way to gain entry. He is to save her after his teammate runs her off the side of the road. Only it is not his teammate and gunshots are exchanged. From that, moment on Diaz kept up the intense thrills.

I enjoyed watching Melissa and Jace get to know each other. Neither trusts the other, but Jace quickly realizes that Melissa is beginning to suspect her father is up to something nefarious. There interactions felt genuine and the constant danger may have sped up the emotional aspects of their relationship, I never doubted it.

I love ex-military, special OPS men and Jace was adorable. While his basic instinct is to protect, I appreciated his interaction and respect for Melissa. Melissa is strong, but definitely lonely. She was well on her way to discovering her father’s secrets, but it is hard to accept your father is a cold-hearted killer. A twist at the end almost made me pity the man. Jace and Melissa are leaders and it created some fun banter, a little danger and some heat. Characters from Exit Strategy are present, and we get updates on the Watcher's, Council and overall story arc. Each book features a different member of the Equalizers and their love interest. Diaz does a nice job of bringing the reader up to speed enabling No Exit, to work as a standalone. The overall story arc continues and I am anxious to discover which teammate will be featured next.

Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted on Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 17 January, 2016: Finished reading
  • 17 January, 2016: Reviewed