Fantasy Lover by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Fantasy Lover (The Dark-Hunter World)

by Sherrilyn Kenyon

It might sound like a man's favorite fantasy - to live forever, destined to be the lover of thousands of women. But for Julian of Macedon, it's a nightmare. Once he was a proud Spartan general; now he's a love-slave, his essence magically held captive in a book, cursed to spend all eternity pleasing women. Then, one day, Grace Alexander summons Julian to fulfill her passionate dreams - and sees beyond the fantasy to the man himself.

Long years as a sex therapist, listening to other people's bedroom problems, have taken a lot of the fun out of the physical side of love for Grace. But with or without sex, the rules of the enchantment cannot be changed - Julian is hers for the next month. And, as their time together slips by, Julian and Grace find more to share than sympathy and conversation and they begin to wonder if love might be within their grasp. That leaves only one question. Is love enough to break a 2,000-year-old curse?

Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

I am so glad that I finally read Fantasy Lover! It is not at all what I was expecting, but definitely in a good way! Julian of Macedon has been cursed to live inside a book except for when he's summoned by a woman. Even then he's only allowed to stay until the next full moon, and he's compelled to pleasure her, but finds no release for himself. Two thousand years later, Grace's friend thinks she needs a birthday lay, so she convinced Grace to summon this great lover. Grace doesn't believe it'll work, but then a naked man appears in her living room! Not one to jump into bed with anyone, Grace turns down Julian's advances, gets to know him, and learns how to break his curse.

I really adored Fantasy Lover. I loved Julian, and not just because I pictured him as Brat Pitt in Troy. It was cute watching him learn about modern technology and language. He has learned a bit during his time spent in the book, since he can still hear what's going on around him, but there's still a lot for him to learn. I also really liked his conflict about what he'll do after the curse is broken. He cares for Grace and knows he should stay with her since she helped him, but he also doesn't feel comfortable in modern times. He'd be wholly dependent on her since he has no documentation and can't read English. I totally believed this! But I knew it would all work out in the end!

Fantasy Lover has a great twist on Greek and Roman mythology and history. Julian is the son of Aphrodite and a human soldier. Julian also winds up being one of the most famous Spartans in history. He was a general in his time, and was a great soldier because he couldn't be gravely injured or killed thanks to gifts from his mother. Of course, some of the other gods have cameos and that was a lot of fun. Especially Eros as a biker!

In the end, Fantasy Lover was a delight to read. I found myself smiling a lot and really getting invested in these characters' lives. I adored the romance, and I actually I really liked one of the minor side-plots. It involves a stalker, which it always entertaining to me for some reason. It's nothing too major, but I was still completely interested whenever Grace's disturbed admirer made an appearance. I'll definitely be continuing this series!

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 6 December, 2014: Finished reading
  • 6 December, 2014: Reviewed