Captain Wentworth's Persuasion by Regina Jeffers

Captain Wentworth's Persuasion

by Regina Jeffers

Insightful and dramatic, this novel recreates the original style, themes, and sardonic humor of Jane Austen's novel while turning the entire tale on its head in a most engaging fashion. Readers hear Captain Wentworth's side of this tangled story in the revelation of his thoughts and emotions. Wentworth initially suffers rejection and frustration because the titled Elliots do not consider him good enough for their daughter Anne. Despite her feelings for Wentworth, Anne allows others to persuade her to break off their engagement. Eight years later, when Wentworth returns from fighting against Napoleon's army, the difficult years of war have reversed fortunes. Now it is he who is rich, having won many prizes in battle, while the Elliots are deeply in debt and in danger of losing their good name. Will Wentworth seek revenge by choosing another woman over his former love? Can he walk away from Anne, or will the memory of her lips and her touch capture his love once again.

Reviewed by snacklish on

2 of 5 stars

I feel like it's taking me forever to read the last 1/4th of this book. It was going pretty good, even with the large chunks that were lifted right out of Persuasion, but man does it stall after Anne reads Wentworth's letter. After that point, it's either tedious or so over-the-top (in terms of character's reactions and interactions) it's hilarious.

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  • 1 January, 2012: Finished reading
  • 1 January, 2012: Reviewed