Reviewed by sstaley on

5 of 5 stars

Marrying a Widower: What You Need to Know Before Tying the Knot by Abel Keogh is a follow up and companion book to Dating A Widower. I was very interested in reading this new book after reading the first one. Before I had a chance to read it though, my friend, who was soon to wed a Widower wanted to read it first before her wedding. I was curious and wanted to know what she thought about the book. Here is what she had to say...

"What a timely book for me! I had just gotten engaged to a Widower when Sheila told me about this book. I thought I had worked through many things, but boy was I wrong. After reading this book I knew I still had a lot to work through before our wedding. I think the things that helped me most in this book were the chapters on Making a Home Together and Setting Expectations. Our biggest problem was where to live; my house or his house where he and his late wife raised their three kids. This had become a huge stumbling block in our engagement until I read the chapter from this book to him. The idea that we needed to start a new life together, in a new place won out. I am grateful for this author, Abel Keogh, for writing this book. I can say that this was an invaluable part of starting our new life."

After I read my friend's thoughts about this book I knew that there wasn't much else I would need to say. This book helped my friend and her new husband over a big hurdle in their relationship. A book like this is needed because it addresses so many concerns that may be there and you're not sure how to handle them. I was interested in reading how to Parent and Blend Families. I have two children, and if I ever marry again (I should say WHEN I marry again...being positive here people!) this will be one of my main concerns. In this chapter it talks about how to put each other first, being on the same page when parenting, being a parent first before a friend, and having each others back.

Marrying a Widower: What You Need to Know Before Tying the Knot, is a must read book for those planning on marrying a Widower. You will find honest and thought provoking information that will help you make good decisions in your relationship. The true stories from real women, that share their own experiences, are also very helpful. This book I feel, is the last stop, in that final decision of whether or not that Widower you are dating will be your future husband.

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  • Started reading
  • 18 June, 2012: Finished reading
  • 18 June, 2012: Reviewed