Reviewed by Terri M. LeBlanc on

3 of 5 stars

I am completely fascinated by the world in the Aether Physics universe. It is completely known yet there are elements of the unknown that have drawn me in.

I recently read Noble Secrets (read my review) which was a great introduction to the smart, intelligent characters and Dominic’s writing style. It lead me to binge read the three novels that currently make up the Aether Physics series.

What I love most about Dominic’s style is that all of her characters are smart and intelligent. They are not cardboard cutouts of tropes. There are no over dramatic women or hunky dumb men. Each of the characters has their own foibles and hurdles to overcome, but their humanity and intelligence isn’t compromised or made less because of their shortcomings. I found myself rooting for the romances and biting my nails at the end as good confronts evil.

The minor sticking point in Eros Element that had me scratching my head was Iris and her journeys to the past. Overall, I love Iris’s skill and it reminds me of the Reincarnationist series by M.J. Rose. The transitions to the past were jarring at times and I was often confused by what was going on. Hopefully this improves a bit as a)Iris becomes more familiar with her skill and b) the series develops.

I would recommend Eros Element to fans who enjoy fantasy mixed with a dash of science. Since the book takes place in the Victorian era with tiny elements of steam punk, the romance is reserved to coy glances and stolen kisses. It was an enjoyable novel and I look forward to reading the other two books in the series.

This review was originally posted on Second Run Reviews

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  • 6 April, 2016: Finished reading
  • 6 April, 2016: Reviewed