Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

ONE LAST SIN, the final book in the Sin Trilogy, ties everything up in a series that I've thoroughly enjoy!

Georgia Cates gives us a satisfying ending to Bleu and Sin's story. They get their HEA, but holy hell do they have to go through a lot to get there. But through all of it, you never have to doubt just how much these two love each other. It's there with every action and every word they say. There are times when they drive the other mad with their determination to protect each other, no matter what, but they easily forgive.

The storyline with Abrams get tied up, giving all of us who can't stand that man a bit of satisfaction knowing he finally gets his. You feel bad for Jamie, but it's nice to see that he doesn't let what his father did affect his relationship with Sin.

Leith and Sin work out their differences...kind of. We get the scoop on why Leith holds such animosity towards his best mate. It's sad and makes you want to smack everyone involved, but it helps readers understand Leith a bit better.

Then there's Bleu's sister. She makes a surprise visit to Scotland and Bleu is suddenly faced with what she should tell her about her life. In the end, it all worked out but it left me wonder if Bleu would have ever been truthful if things weren't forced on her.

The only thing missing from this last book was tying up the storyline with Leith and Lorna. There is so much there and their storyline was kind of left hanging, which gives me hope Georgia Cates might be giving us a spin-off story or two for Leith, Lorna and Jamie.

If you haven't read the Sin Trilogy, it's definitely one you should pick up. Sin isn't your typical "mob" boss and he makes it hard not to fall for him and his band of best mates.

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  • Started reading
  • 18 March, 2015: Finished reading
  • 18 March, 2015: Reviewed