A Lick of Frost by Laurell K. Hamilton

A Lick of Frost (Merry Gentry, #6)

by Laurell K. Hamilton

I am Meredith Gentry, princess and heir apparent to the throne in the realm of faerie, onetime private investigator in the mortal world. To be crowned queen, I must first continue the royal bloodline and give birth to an heir of my own. If I fail, my aunt, Queen Andais, will be free to do what she most desires: install her twisted son, Cel, as monarch . . . and kill me.

My royal guards surround me, and my best loved–my Darkness and my Killing Frost–are always beside me, sworn to protect and make love to me....Read more

Reviewed by ibeforem on

3 of 5 stars

I’m impressed! I made it more than halfway through the book before there was any sex at all, and there were no freaky faerie orgies! I feel like there was actually some plot in this book. I like that Hamilton has finally crawled out of that dark, sweaty hole she’d dug herself into with both this and the Anita Blake series. There’s some heavy foreshadowing about Merry’s health, so it’s not a surprise when the truth is revealed, but leave it to Hamilton to put her own special twist on what’s normally seen as a pretty standard part of life.

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  • Started reading
  • 2 November, 2007: Finished reading
  • 2 November, 2007: Reviewed