Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

3 of 5 stars



We can go ahead and add Mia Miller to new to me authors that I'll definitely be reading from again. I was hoping for more content with the story and more development with the characters. But overall, I really enjoyed this rather cute story that had a bit of a twist that I wasn't quite expecting.

It has been a while where I've read a book where letters were written between characters and I have rekindled my love for them. And it just made me realize that I need to find all the books that have them. I loved watching Delia and Oscar growing up from their teenage years in those letters,it was sweet and innocent between these two. Eventually, I definitely had questions brewing because you can easily notice some of the changes in the letters, especially from Oscar's end.

When they finally meet up again in college, I was expecting to have all these feelings surface as I was waiting for that big moment. But it wasn't as big of an ordeal as I hope it would be. Both of these characters fell back into things a little bit too casually for my liking even when it felt like so many things from their past needed to be cleared up.

I thought this was a great introduction to this series and I'm definitely looking forward to reading more about the other characters that were mentioned. I think if we just had a bit more character development and seen more growth with Delia and Oscar's relationship, it would have made for a much more solid read!

Mia, I am so in love with her writing style and could definitely read all of your work for days. Can't wait to read more of your books!

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  • 2 July, 2018: Reviewed