Reviewed by whisperingchapters on

5 of 5 stars

"This is going to be one wild night, but don't worry; I'll get you so drunk you won't even remember it in the morning," he assured me, leading me out of the building.

I cant believe I actually enjoyed all the craziness in this story. I wish my future bachelorette party resembles this one because it will definitely be memorable and a great way to say goodbye to single life. Obviously, there are some events that happened that should be left for the guys, but us girls can come up with stuff too. If you want to know what goes down at a bachelor's party, then pick up One Wild Night. You will most definitely not regret it and enjoy this wild ride. It is a great funny, short story and a great novella to the Guarded Hearts series.

When he made a growling sound and tore his shirt in half, throwing it at my feet, I just about lost it. Now it was my turn to scream like a pre-pubescent girl who had just been hugged by Harry Styles.

As I had mentioned on a previews review for another short story of Kirsty Moseley, I had read all of her stories on Wattpad before they were published and also the ones that haven't been published—those stories being The Boy Who Sneaks In My Bedroom Window, Always You, Enjoying The Chase, Nothing Left To Lose, Fighting To Be Free, Stalkers, Secrets and Lies and Alpha Bloodlines (except Free Falling and Bond Mates; I haven't read this story yet). This story contains minor spoilers to Nothing Left To Lose and Enjoying The Chase. Be sure to buy and read those two books first and then read One Wild Night.

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  • Started reading
  • 18 August, 2014: Finished reading
  • 18 August, 2014: Reviewed