Night Watch by Night Watch David C. Taylor

Night Watch (A Michael Cassidy Thriller)

by Night Watch David C. Taylor

In 1950s New York, Detective Michael Cassidy investigates a number of bizarre deaths while trying to avoid being assassinated himself.

New York, 1956. A couple walking through Central Park on a fall evening are confronted by a hansom cab driver, only to kill him and casually walk away. Who are the couple and did they know the man?

A man commits suicide by throwing himself through a hotel window. His colleagues claim he was depressed - but is there more to it than that?

Before Detective Michael Cassidy even begins investigating these cases, he is threatened by an unknown man - the reasons for which are unclear.

Are all three incidents connected? If so, how, and will Cassidy live long enough to find out before his would-be assassin claims his life?

Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

Night Watch is the third book in the Michael Cassidy thriller series by David C. Taylor. Released 1st May 2019 by Severn House, it's 304 pages and available in hardcover, paperback, and ebook formats.

This is a noir thriller set in 1956 New York City. The book resonates with period detail and atmosphere. The author is a masterful storyteller, and this book was a seriously enjoyable read. Though it's the third in the series, it works quite well as a standalone. I enjoyed it and had no trouble keeping up with the plotting or characters. I definitely intend to go back and read the previous books, however, especially prior to the next book(s) in the series.

The author compares quite favorably to Chandler, Ellroy, Cain, Spillane and the rest of them and readers looking for an authentic 1950s gritty noir experience will enjoy this series. Happily Mr. Taylor is still relatively young and prolific, we're lucky to enjoy his stories, hopefully for a very long time to come.

Five stars. Especially recommended for fans of thriller noir/gritty police procedurals.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • 9 June, 2019: Reviewed