Reviewed by Eve1972 on

5 of 5 stars


It's artsy and very pleasing to the eye. As well as being a good representation of the story. Both in the visual representation as well as the overall mood it gives off.

So where in the world do I begin with this review? Why have I never read anything by this author before? This is a serious oversight that I will be correcting in the very near future.

This book was HEARTBREAKING. This book was COMPLEX. This book was VIOLENT. This book made me CRY. This book made me ANGRY. This book RIPPED ME TO PIECES. This book put me BACK TOGETHER AGAIN. This book was POWERFUL. This book was INSPIRATIONAL. This book made me SMILE. This book gave me HOPE.

On top of ALL that this book was fantastically written. It was well paced. The characters were multilayered and complex. Both Maggie and Elliot tore my heart to pieces, but they also made me SO angry at times with their actions that I wanted to shake sense into them. The Crow brothers were nothing but pure evil but damn if this author did not make me feel sorry for the father. Moreover, let me just tell you I DID NOT like feeling sorry for that murdering rapist. However, his love for Maggie and hers for him…well, like I said, the author managed to get me to FEEL for him. So really that is what made this book so amazing.

This was not an easy read. It was GUTWRENCHING in places. It was very violent and disgusting, but twisting through all that heartbreak and evil was a thread of hope. Two broken people who are finding each other and healing together. What more can I say? Two HUGE thumbs up from yours truly.

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  • Started reading
  • 18 February, 2017: Finished reading
  • 18 February, 2017: Reviewed