Reviewed by Melanie on

3 of 5 stars

3.5 stars

Review originally posted at

Misery’s Way is a short story with only 55 pages, but it was an interesting story. It is told from the POV of Frankie. This is different from the other Kit Colbana books, where Kit is narrating the story. Kit and Justin do make an appearance in this story.

Frankie is working as a traveling faith healer. She actually feeds on the misery of other people. She takes their pain and is able heal them. She even has to be careful not to heal them too much to draw attention to herself. Frankie, which is just a name she is going by for the moment, isn’t human and never was. She is also very old.

Saleel is another non-human, though I’m not sure exactly what he is. He is bound to Frankie. She has tried to release him from the bond, but it seems stronger than just than just telling him that he is released.

This story is short, but really peaked my interest. I want to know more about Frankie and Saleel. I just hope that this story isn’t the last that I see of them. I’m hoping that this is to introduce us to them for the next Kit book.

There is also a “bonus story” included with this. It is Broken Blade. I read this book when it came out a year ago. It is a prequel to the first book in the series. It tells the story of Kit hiding at TJ’s bar and her coming back into herself after fleeing her family. It also tells the story of how she met Justin.

For the price of $0.99 with both short stories, I think it is well worth the price. Broken Blade can be read without reading the rest of the series. Misery’s Way is a litter harder. There are references to things that happen to Kit in previous books. I don’t think you would be totally lost or have too large of spoilers.

**Book was provided to me by the publisher via NetGalley. This review is my opinion and was not requested or provoked in anyway by the author or publisher.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 June, 2015: Finished reading
  • 13 June, 2015: Reviewed